Why Data Classification?
With data classification, you label your documents such as Word, PDF, or Excel according to their privacy or sensitivity level. Your labels can be Confidential/Private/Unclassified, or PII/Contract, or as appropriate for your needs. Endpoint protection (DLP) software provides more accurate protection by acting according to these tags. We offer precise data discovery and automatic classification to ensure a better data protection infrastructure.
DLP Integration
GEODI Classification solution works with known DLP solutions such as Forcepoint, Symantec, Safetica, Trend Micro, and Palo Alto. It can adapt to specialized labeling schemes that organizations may need. The creation of labels can be done quickly from the central management interface.
Exchange Server/Office 365 Classifier
OWA, Exchange Server, and Webmail users can classify outgoing e-mails automatically or manually.
Why Data Discovery?
Data discovery unearths the hidden value of your data. Data Discovery helps organizations find and remediate Personal data for GDPR compliance, sensitive data for enterprise data security, currency expressions and financial data for PCI/DSS compliance, and more. A precise AI and NLP-based data discovery from structured and unstructured data results in low false positives&negatives rates. With the Discovery reports and dashboards, your inventory and risks will unearth. The discovered sensitive and personal data can be a source for proper Data Classification and Data Masking.
GDPR Data Discovery
ID Numbers, Social Security Numbers, e-mails, Blood types, Addresses, and other personal data will be discovered. The result will turn into which data sources and which computer contains personal data. According to this report, you can execute the authorizations and quarantining procedures. With Data Masking, you shall anonymize personal data and sensitive data.
Our Differences
Thanks to Natural Language Processing, content such as a PDF, a scanned document, an excel report, a Social media message, or an e-mail is discovered with high accuracy. Your entire digital repository is covered. Not a single piece of data will be left out.
Artificial Intelligence-based discovery tools, beyond simple regex-based discovery, also automatically discover complex sensitive and personal data types such as Blood Types, addresses, Subjects, and Document Types with low false-positive/negative rates. You can also include face recognition from your video and photo library.
Data discovery and Enterprise Search occur together. Whichever solution you start with, you can proceed to the next solution with a modular structure
Reporting and Analysis
The discovery results will turn into interactive panels and reports for you to examine. Instead of employee declarations, you may have real insights into your data. Data leakage risks will surface. You can act your destruction or migration procedures.
Fundamental Discovery
Fundamental discovery tools discover dates, place names, legal terms, and banking terms. Discovered dates create a calendar.