
What are the top 10 reasons for affecting performance of NoSQL database?

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What are the top 10 reasons for affecting performance of NoSQL database?

Insufficient hardware resources: NoSQL databases can require a large amount of memory and CPU resources, so insufficient hardware can lead to poor performance.
Network latency: Network latency can cause delays in data transfer, leading to slower performance.
Indexing issues: Indexing is critical for efficient data retrieval, so issues with indexing can lead to poor performance.
Data modeling issues: Poor data modeling can lead to inefficient data retrieval and slow performance.
Data sharding: Data sharding can cause increased network traffic and complexity, leading to slower performance.
Unoptimized queries: Queries that are not optimized for the specific NoSQL database can lead to slow performance.
Concurrency issues: NoSQL databases are designed to handle a high level of concurrent access, but issues with concurrency control can lead to slow performance.
Scaling issues: Scaling a NoSQL database can be complex and may lead to performance issues if not done properly.
Disk I/O: Disk I/O can be a bottleneck for NoSQL databases, leading to slow performance.
Memory leaks: Memory leaks can cause the NoSQL database to consume excessive memory, leading to slow performance.
It’s worth noting that the performance of a NoSQL database will depend on the specific use case, the volume and complexity of data, and the specific features of the NoSQL database in use.

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